BREATHLESS is a 1960 French New Wave crime drama film written and directed by Jean- Luc Godard about a wandering criminal (Jean-Paul Belmondo) and his American girlfriends (Jean Seberg). “New Wave filmmakers experimented with form and content in an attempt to renew both film production and product at a time when studio system economics and hierarchies dominated French film practice”. The filmmakers are commended for their works due to empowering a movement in bringing a new perspective to the typical ‘boy meets girl’ films. Jean-Luc Godard challenges these social norms by having the male protagonist take on characteristic of a ‘gangster’, for example, by consistently committing crimes and having a cigarette in his mouth. The French New Wave Movement stays close to the heart of film studies in the American market. As French explains in his critical reviews of Breathless, Godard was an influential figure in the French New Wave movement. The on-the-go style employed in the produc...