Values to Bind and Build: A Reflection

Values to Bind and Build: A Reflection

Book Launch and Public Lecture
Values to Bind and Build: A Reflection
Author: YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Tan Chong Tin

Date: 25 January 2019
Time: 10.00 am
Venue: KB105, UTAR Sungai Long Campus

  The book launch event was held at UTAR Sungai Long Campus and the venue was at KB105. The date of this book launch event was 25 January 2019 (10.00am – 12.00pm). The title of this book launch and public lecture was “ Value to Bind and Build: A Reflection ”. The author of this book was YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Tan Chong Tin.

According to this programme of book launch event, there was have a speech by YBhg Ir. Prof. Academician Dato’ Dr. Chuah Hean Teik, UTAR President, and this was started at 10.00am. After the speech, there was launching of the Value to Bind and Build: A Reflection and took a group photo. Besides, there was a lecture by YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Tan Chong Tin at 10.30am.

In the book of Value to Bind and Build: A Reflection by YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Tan Chong Tin, he was talking about that the recent riot in the Seafield Sri Mariamman temple in Subang Jaya give another example to the fragile condition of the ethic relation in Malaysia. There is need for intellectuals of different communities to build common grounds as foundation to ethnic harmony and nation building. The main hypothesis of this book is that the economic view of ethic conflict is only partly true. We will be more in-focus, if we adopt the psychological perspective.
Besides, according to his book, there was a “Paradigm shift to focus on needs for recognition and dignity”. Modern science has taught that man is driven by his underlying emotion. This is true even in economics, that one cannot understand human behavior just from the perspective of “utility”, emotional factors are important. This is why Daniel Kahneman was given the Noble prize in Economics in 2002.

  Moreover, the key to understand the psychological drive to ethic harmony is to appreciate the role of “identity”, “collective self-esteem”, and “dignity”. The Plato’s thymos is part of the soul that craves recognition of dignity. The George Wilhelm Hegel (1770-1831) argued that the struggle for “recognition” was the u;timate driver of human history. Hegel pointed out that the great passions unleashed by events such as the French Revolution were at base struggle over dignity. Political scientist Francis Fukuyama said that “The democratic upsurge that would onfold in the two centuries after the French Revolution was driven by peoples demanding recognition of their political personhood, that they were moral agents capable of sharing in political power”. In the year 2016, the BREXIT, election of Trump, Cai in Taiwan in 2016, loss of election by Ahok in Jakarta in 2017, Meckle-CDU in Bavaria in 2018, and rise of Islamism in the recent years.

Furthermore, according to his book, there was the “Dignity based on being recognized as competent”. Firstly the strong work ethic. Ultimately to be similarly successful economically, all ethic groups must develop and nature good work ethic, as ultimately work ethics determines economics productivity. The second neglected value is openness. The history of the decline(from the Ming dynasty) and rise (from 1979) of China has demonstrated the importance of openness as another key to economic competitiveness. However, a comprehensive approach to openness should include open mindedness, the receptiveness to better ideas and willingness to adopt the best which is meritocracy. Then, the third neglected value is freedom. Respect for individual freedom is essential for nurturing of competence, creativity and maturity.

Besides, according to the book by YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Tan Chong Tin, his book also talking about “ Dignity based on being recognized as good”. The above discussion is about enhancing competence to strengthen ethic self-esteem and dignity. Next, he want to develop the theme that the core of a man’s self-esteem is ultimately moral. This is the essence of the concept of “soft power” proposed by political scientist Joseph Nye. Soft power is the influence based on attraction(from goodness) rather than through coercion or financial payment in international relations. The fact that goodness is able to attract and exert its influence is the basic urge of man to pursue goodness. Not only that, he also give two other examples that are fundamental in Malaysian life, where consideration of goodness is highly relevant. Firstly, affirmative action policy is originally a policy to achieve social harmony. Affirmative action based on a hierarchy of different ethic groups is not going to bring about peace and harmony.

  Lastly, according to his book, there was the “The needs of our individual differences or identities to be respected”. He want to shift the attention to another aspect of identity which is linked to an individual’s sense of self. It is also important to nature and strengthen the common Malaysian identity, that we are all firstly Malaysian. In summary, the emotional needs is firstly to be recognized as competent and good, able and want to contribute equally to the common goods; and our differences (identities) to be respected. YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Tan Chong Tin is appealing the spirit of musyawarah, its essence is the appreciation of the feelings of others, recognizing each other’s emotions and needs, willingness to negotiate, compromise and seek consensus rather than to win by brute force.
